Our London based client wanted an innovative garden design, cycle studio & sauna pod with a canopy to replace an existing garden shed. The brief specified the ability to look out from their house onto a green ‘living roof’. One challenge was a 2.5 metre height restriction to comply with building regulations...

World Wellbeing Week 2021 What does wellbeing mean to you? Happiness, health, family time, alone time, security, relaxation, exhilaration, inspiration, peace of mind, a good book … To celebrate World Wellbeing Week here are 7 ways to wellbeing: Connect - with the people around you and invest time in developing...

Building orientation is the practice of facing a building so as to maximize certain aspects of its surroundings, such as street appeal, to capture a scenic view, for drainage considerations, etc. When we start the studio design process with a new client, one of the first points to focus on is...

Avoid Nasty Chemicals Natural building materials, locally and ethically sourced, are beneficial from a health and sustainability perspective. Using reclaimed material, wherever possible, will also lower the project's carbon footprint. Increase Ventilation While an airtight building can help to prevent hot/cool air from escaping from a building and therefore reducing energy costs, it...

What is a Green Roof? A green roof is a layer of plants over a layer of waterproof material, also called eco-roofs. Green roofs use a growing medium which is different from that used for garden or house plants. Regular soils are too heavy and hold water, making them unsuitable for...

How to create a herb garden A herb garden is a great addition to any outdoor space. It provides a constant supply of fresh ingredients for cooking, while also attract bees and butterflies to your garden. You don’t need to have a lot of space. A herb garden can easily be grown...