Build For Wellbeing – 5 Tips for a Healthier Home/i3 Studio

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Avoid Nasty Chemicals
Natural building materials, locally and ethically sourced, are beneficial from a health and sustainability perspective. Using reclaimed material, wherever possible, will also lower the project’s carbon footprint.

Increase Ventilation
While an airtight building can help to prevent hot/cool air from escaping from a building and therefore reducing energy costs, it can also cause toxins and particles to build up in the air. If your project is very airtight, installing mechanical ventilation with a heat recovery system will remove stale air and replace it with filtered fresh air. 

Maximise the Light
Our bodies benefit from natural light and it’s important to ensure a room has enough light throughout the day. As well as a feeling of wellbeing, natural light also saves money by providing natural lighting as well as heat to a room. Artificial lighting in a room should also be planned to give enough light for day-to-day tasks, while also allowing the level to be adjusted for winding down in the evening.


Go for Natural Surfaces
To ensure a healthy living environment choose natural fabrics rather than those that have been treated with chemicals wherever possible, install easy to clean flooring, and use low VOC paints, stains and waxes.

Reduce Noise
Living with noise is damaging to our wellbeing, by disturbing sleep and raising stress levels. Consider triple glazing for windows or specifically engineered glazing for noise reduction. 

Blog image for natural surface in a garden studio

Noise from other areas of the home can also be a problem, therefore, installing noise-reducing insulation boards can stop noise travelling through walls and ceilings. You can also choose appliances with a lower decibel level, you can find a list of these here – – as well as more tips for a peaceful life. 

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